^5=[SKY]= ^1FFA ^3Server
Game Type:
Call of Duty 4
Players Online: 6 / 32
Map: mp_killhouse
Last Query Time: 2024-12-23 00:26:27
Total Votes: 0
HTML Embed Code:
BBCode Embed Code:
Banner Size: 560x95
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BBCode Embed Code:
Banner Size: 160x248
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BBCode Embed Code:
Banner Size: 350x20
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Name | Score | Time Played |
Masoud | 190 | 00:00:00 |
ELTECNICO657 | 610 | 00:00:00 |
Black Eagle | 330 | 00:00:00 |
=[SKY]=CENTOSS | 0 | 00:00:00 |
sting | 630 | 00:00:00 |
wsade1112 | 550 | 00:00:00 |
Variable | Value |
_Admin | Cat |
_CoD4 X Creator | Ninjaman, TheKelm @ http://iceops.in |
_Location | Catmandu |
_Website | https://www.facebook.com/groups/SkyFall.COD4/ |
build | 3360 |
clients | 6 |
g_compassShowEnemies | 0 |
g_gametype | dm |
g_mapStartTime | Sun Dec 22 16:22:33 2024 |
gamename | Call of Duty 4 |
gq_address | |
gq_gametype | Call of Duty 4 |
gq_joinlink | |
gq_mod | dm |
gq_name | Call of Duty 4 |
gq_password | |
gq_port_client | 28961 |
gq_port_query | 28961 |
gq_protocol | quake3 |
gq_transport | udp |
gq_type | cod4 |
mapname | mp_killhouse |
protocol | 6 |
scr_motd | Welcome to the SkyFall Server.....Enjoy |
shortversion | 1.7a |
sv_disableClientConsole | 0 |
sv_floodprotect | 1 |
sv_hostname | ^5=[SKY]= ^1FFA ^3Server |
sv_maxPing | 350 |
sv_maxRate | 30000 |
sv_maxclients | 32 |
sv_minPing | 0 |
sv_privateClients | 2 |
sv_punkbuster | 0 |
sv_pure | 1 |
sv_voice | 1 |
type | -1 |
uptime | 7 days |
version | CoD4 X 1.7a linux-i386-custom_debug build 3360 Feb 20 2016 |