Game Type:
7 Days to Die
Players Online: 0 / 8
Map: Navezgane
Last Query Time: 2025-01-13 08:15:28
Total Votes: 0
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No players online
Variable | Value |
AirDropFrequency | 72 |
AirDropMarker | True |
AllowCrossplay | True |
AllowSpawnNearBackpack | True |
Architecture64 | True |
BedrollDeadZoneSize | 15 |
BedrollExpiryTime | 45 |
BlockDamageAI | 100 |
BlockDamageAIBM | 100 |
BlockDamagePlayer | 100 |
BlockDurabilityModifier | -1 |
BloodMoonEnemyCount | 8 |
BloodMoonFrequency | 7 |
BloodMoonRange | 0 |
BloodMoonWarning | 8 |
BuildCreate | False |
CombinedNativeId | |
CombinedPrimaryId | |
CurrentPlayers | 0 |
CurrentServerTime | 683562 |
DayCount | 3 |
DayLightLength | 18 |
DayNightLength | 60 |
DeathPenalty | 1 |
DropOnDeath | 1 |
DropOnQuit | 0 |
EACAndSanctions | EACEnabledOn,IgnoreEOSSanctionsOff, |
EnemyDifficulty | 0 |
EnemySpawnMode | True |
FreePlayerSlots | 8 |
GameDifficulty | 2 |
GameMode | Survival |
GameName | 7 Days To Die |
GameType | 7DTD |
IP | |
IsDedicated | True |
IsPasswordProtected | False |
IsPublic | True |
LandClaimCount | 1 |
LandClaimDeadZone | 30 |
LandClaimDecayMode | 0 |
LandClaimExpiryTime | 3 |
LandClaimOfflineDelay | 0 |
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier | 4 |
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier | 4 |
LandClaimSize | 41 |
Language | English |
LevelName | Navezgane |
LootAbundance | 120 |
LootRespawnDays | 15 |
MaxChunkAge | -1 |
MaxPlayers | 8 |
MaxSpawnedAnimals | 80 |
MaxSpawnedZombies | 80 |
ModdedConfig | False |
PartySharedKillRange | 800 |
Ping | -1 |
Platform | WindowsPlayer |
PlayGroup | Standalone |
PlayerKillingMode | 3 |
Port | 25020 |
Region | NorthAmericaEast |
RequiresMod | False |
ServerDescription | A 7 Days to Die server |
ServerLoginConfirmationText | |
ServerVersion | V.1.0.313 |
ServerVisibility | 2 |
ServerWebsiteURL | |
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap | True |
SteamID | 90248549578083336 |
StockFiles | True |
StockSettings | False |
UniqueId | 570bd8b9225f4b3e93a71d7553efe3ec |
WorldSize | 6144 |
XPMultiplier | 150 |
ZombieBMMove | 3 |
ZombieFeralMove | 3 |
ZombieFeralSense | 0 |
ZombieMove | 0 |
ZombieMoveNight | 3 |
ZombiesRun | -1 |
dedicated | d |
game_descr | 7 Days To Die |
game_dir | 7DTD |
game_id | 251570 |
gq_address | |
gq_dedicated | d |
gq_gametype | 7 Days To Die |
gq_joinlink | steam://connect/ |
gq_mod | 7DTD |
gq_name | 7 Days to Die |
gq_password | 0 |
gq_port_client | 25020 |
gq_port_query | 25020 |
gq_protocol | source |
gq_transport | udp |
gq_type | sevendaystodie |
hostname | KILLJOYS SERVER |
num_bots | 0 |
num_rules | 82 |
os | w |
password | 0 |
port | 25020 |
protocol | 17 |
secure | 0 |
steam_id | 90248549578083336 |
steamappid | 0 |
version | 01.01.00 |