My server can't add to the list it says it's down
Ensure you added the correct server details: IP, port, and query port, and the server is online. Also, check that the server is not blocking our monitoring server IP:
What will i get on a VIP order?
Your server will be highlighted on the list with a VIP badge and all VIP servers will be sorted on the top as default, then after vip servers are the other servers with the most votes.
Can't find the game type which I want to add
Contact us with game details and we will consider adding a new game type
Found error or bug
Contact us with all details and we will fix it.
How long does it take for the server stats to update at the top of the page?
Stats on the top of the page update every 1 hour.
Why is the content not refreshing on the page?
Each page is cached for 60 seconds to reduce server load. After 60 seconds, when you refresh the page (f5) the latest content will be displayed.
My server has bots but they do not show in the online players count
If the system detects that there are bots on the server, they are not counted as real players, the list will only display real online players and their number, but the online players list will display all online players, including bots.